Santa Claus Phone Number For Bad Kid
Santa Phone Number For Bad Kid 2024
The number to call or text is:
(848) 667-7025
Want to call or text Santa for free because of a bad or naughty kid?
Call the Santa hotline for bad kids at (848) 667-7025 and find out how to get your child back on the nice list.
You can also text Santa at (848) 667-7025.
This is Santa’s real phone number so make sure to follow the instructions carefully and you will be off the naughty list and back on the nice list in no time!
This is Santa’s other United States phone number for when he is in a location with poor reception: 1(605)313-4000
While in the United Kingdom, +44(0)3306060547 and Ireland, use +353(0)14372290.
A parent can also schedule a time to have Santa call, he is busy you know! These calls can be scheduled for a specific date and time making it easy for your kids to answer the call themselves.
If the kids want to talk to Santa immediately, oh yes they can. Just call the Santa hotline at (848) 667-7025 and leave a message for Santa by following the instructions.
This software helps the children to send text messages to Santa. This messaging software gives children a choice to text or call and can convert text into voice and voice to text (that's a mouthful!). Children are always invited by Santa to text him their wish lists on his free tool number.
Text Santa using this number: 844-967-2682.
Then Santa will send a video message back.
Portable North Pole
Portable North Pole is an app for mobile phones that help kids send personalized messages to Santa while he gets ready for his Christmas Eve flight.
Children will be happy to see and hear a heartwarming message from Santa. Hopefully he will reward the little ones for being good all year long.
If you were a little naughty (or even bad) Santa encourages children that they can still improve.
Children can visit the website and install this application through:
https://www.portablenorthpole.com/ or https://portablenorthpole.zendesk.com/hc/en-us
Santa and his elves send personalized video messages and call kids anywhere around the globe.
Santa knows if you've been bad or good but he does want to hear from you. Then he will send you a video message or call you to talk.
You can create unforgettable memories by downloading your video and watching it every Christmas season.
Letters To Santa
ALetterForSanta.com is a website where you can send Santa a message. You can send send Santa a message by going to www.aletter4santa.com, and this will bring you to a page where you can write Santa a letter.
Tell him if you have been naughty or nice this year and what presents you hope to find under the tree Christmas morning.
You can still send Santa a real letter in the mail, but it doesn't hurt to make sure he gets the list twice!
Norad Santa Tracker
Using military satellites in outer space, NORAD provides children with the ability to see the location of Santa online during his Christmas Eve flight across the globe on www.NORADSanta.org.
Children can track Santa online using the website or mobile apps that are available for windows, apple, and Android devices.
Children can also call or text 1-877-HiNORAD to know Santa’s location. It uses radars, satellites, specialized cameras, and fighter jets.
Take away
There is nothing that children enjoy more during this Christmas season than calling, video calling, messaging, using Facetime, emailing, and texting Santa Claus for real.
We recommend a parent be present to make sure the child is operating in a safe, secure, and appropriate manner.
Mrs. Claus is 227 years old.
Mrs. Claus' favorite Christmas cookie is a sugar cookie. She has so many different cookie cutters and makes cookies in the shapes of all of the reindeer.
Santa and Mrs. Claus have been married for 194 years!
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Santa Arrival Countdown
Great site thanks for providing all of this wonderful Santa information!
Thanks Erin, hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Hello Santa 🎅
Does Santa know everything about us even on days we were born
Hi Sydney! Great question, yes he does!
Hello Meghan! Keep up the great work and behavior!